CTFN Facilitates Unifeeds Team Building Event in Danao City, Cebu, Philippines

Spearheaded by longtime CTFN affiliate Nathaniel John Arong, Cebu Teambuilding Facilitators’ Network (CTFN) successfully conducted a two-day training program with Universal Feed Mill Corporation (UniFeeds) at the Coco Palms Resort in Danao City, Cebu, Philippines last March 2526, 2017.

The warm and dry weekend was definitely perfect for the outdoor experiential activities, the summer being the best season to have team building events all year round. The simple yet majestic resort bloomed tenderly with the early summer heat while over 80 employees from UniFeeds actively engaged themselves in the series of structured learning activities, or SLAs, and learned a great deal about themselves and their team.

Unifeeds team building event in Danao City Cebu Philippines 2017
The training module designed by CTFN was specifically aimed to hone the leadership skills of the managers while also working extensively on the rest of the team’s dynamics—such as developing their sensitivity and camaraderie, fostering trust and good morale, and sharpening strategic goal setting, problem-solving, and communication skills—to reach optimum efficiency in their workplace and personal lives.

Unifeeds team building event in Danao City Cebu Philippines 2017
Unifeeds team does the punctured barrel
Jumpstarting the day with GTKY and Belongingness activities, the UniFeeds team proved they were more than prepared to tackle the challenges that awaited them—no matter how difficult those might be.

Unifeeds team building event in Danao City Cebu Philippines 2017
Getting to know you activity

The string of extensive team exploration activities followed: that is the Scavenger Hunt, which was comprised of 7 stations, hence 7 different learning activities.

Each team had to look for the stations around the resort. During the activity, the UniFeeds team worked on their dynamics and soared into new heights, getting to perform better after each station. They not only emerged as winners in each challenge but also emerged as a stronger, better teams.

Unifeeds team building event in Danao City Cebu Philippines 2017
Unifeeds team does the Pipeline

Brief but in-depth group discussions culminated the first day. On the following day, they took on the role-playing activity—acting out scenes and dialogues of their learning—and explored much on their communications barriers and leadership styles, which was an aspect they realized they needed to work on.  

With Trust Fall and Commitment Art activities, the event ended with a great flourish. And to quote Sir Joshua De Manuel, the general manager of UniFeeds, after the Cookie Machine phase of the trust module, “A team is made of many hands that need to work together and need to trust each other.”

Unifeeds team building event in Danao City Cebu Philippines 2017
Cookie machine

Note: This article was written by Nicolo Nasol who was among the facilitators who conducted the team building event for Unifeeds last 25-26 March 2017 at Coco Palms Resort, Danao City, Cebu, Philippines. Other facilitators present were Nathaniel John Arong, Lorenzo Jose Cahig, Faye Villamor, Charissa Pacquiao, Andrew Kagakit, and Viannevieve Mabag.

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