Why Team Building?: Fairness, Camaraderie, and Motivation
Why do organizations need to do team building programs for their employees? One theory suggests that team building programs help build camaraderie, examine fair and equitable practices from within the organization, and encourage and motivate everyone towards working for fulfilling personal and group achievements.
According to David Sirota (2003) in his 3-factor Theory of Human Motivation in the Workplace, the three pillars that motivate people at work are (1) fair and equitable treatment of all individuals within the organization, (2) camaraderie among colleagues at work, and (3) motivation to achieve important work or simply put, achievement motivation.
Equity and Fairness
People want to be treated fairly. While primarily, this means that employees must feel that they are fairly compensated for the work that the do, equity and fairness extends beyond mere finances. This could also mean equal opportunities, fair and even treatment, and other benefits afforded to the employee.
People want to work in an environment where they enjoy the company of their colleagues and where there is no interpersonal friction and tension present. It is but natural for humans to seek smooth interpersonal relationships in living and work spaces, at the same time avoiding unpleasant, exploitative, mistrusting relationships.
Interpersonal relationships between colleagues matter |
Achievement Motivation
Naturally, humans want to do work that is important. Doing work that is relevant and meaningful make people feel good about themselves. A workplace that challenges its workers and provides opportunities for its workers to do important, relevant, and meaningful work naturally boosts the morale of its employees as it also means that the organization believes in the capacity of their employees to do something special.
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