August is the month when the rainy season starts. This did not stop Cebu Teambuilding Facilitators Network from its commitment to providing quality play-based seminars to its clients. Led by dynamic affiliate Marc Julius Rizada, the CTFN team conducted a series of team building activities for employees of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) Area VII Mactan. Ably assisting Marc were the ever young duo of tenured CTFN facilitators Kevin Sosas and Clint Fuentes. Also involved were interns Kriza Rule, Quennie Paring, and Cheska Baynas. The program was held at Be Resorts Mactan.
CAAP is a state-owned company. They work under the Department of Tourism. The CAAP Area VII Mactan team is tasked in ensuring safety with anything related to aviation in Cebu’s international airport in Mactan Island.
CAAP Area VII Mactan Team Building Seminar
After the arrival of the participants, the program started off with a prayer and opening remarks from the company’s head. Fortunately, the weather was cooperative for the day’s event. It felt like summer again. The weather highlighted the venue’s best assets. Marc started with introducing CTFN to the participants as well as the affiliates and interns. Though humid and hot, this did not stop the employees from participating in the Zumba dance session led by Quennie.
Quennie leading a Zumba dance session for CAAP |
With energies soaring high, Marc proceeded with the getting to know activity. He divided the participants into groups. He assigned each group with animal names: Dog, Cat, Pig, Ostrich, Penguin and Cow. While brunch was served, Marc called the appointed leaders of each group. He gave instructions on creating a group yell or chant out of the animals’ voices (e.g. Dog – Aw, Aw). Marc also shared the mechanics of the ‘race’ after the yell. Basically, the race has five stations. Each activity to be done within 15 minutes. The highest points given in each activity is 50 points. But teams may get more points with the bonus rounds given by the facilitators. Whoever got the highest points and first to finish, wins.
After the presentation of yells, Marc then gave the signal that the race had officially started.
Clint was assigned at the moon ball station. Each person in the group must toss the ball upward twice and work together to reach 50 tosses. The challenge of never letting the ball fall to the ground made the groups work together.
Quennie was at the pipelines station. The goal was to make the ball reach from one destination to the other using only the halved PVC pipes. It tested the teamwork in each group. The activity also taught them to collaborate on achieving one goal.
Pipeline challenges CAAP employees
Kevin was assigned with the hover boards activity. Each person must safely get themselves from point A to point B using only the boards provided to step on. Each of the members communication skills were put to a test. One mistake may make the team start all over again.
CAAP employees take hover boards seriously
Kriza challenged the groups with flipping the tarp together. They must flip it without using their hands and their feet not touching the ground. This activity frustrated most groups. But they had learned the value of achievement once they had successfully flipped the tarp over.
CAAP employees do tarp flip
The chill and resting station was Cheska’s beeping squares. This was the only station located in a shaded area. Each group must guess the correct pattern at the given square matrix. Groups raced to achieve the best completion times. This tested with their time management skills.
The ‘race’ ended at exactly lunch time. There were groups who got frustrated by some of the activities. Yet some were still able to achieve the highest points. Some even get to have a bonus round. The stress and frustrations were then exchanged with funny sharing of experiences during meal time. Announcement of winners followed. Then there were photo opportunities with the facilitators.
CAAP Area VII Mactan leaders with CTFN facilitators
Note: This article is a contribution of Quennie Nikki Paring. She was part of the team that facilitated the CAAP VII Mactan Area Team Building Seminar last 26 August 2017.
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